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dez 14th, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos

Trees within the order Fagales possess particularly potent allergens, e.g. the prototypical Bet v 1, the major white birch (Betula 📈 verrucosa - now called B. pendula) pollen antigen. Bet v 1 is the main cause of type I allergies observed 📈 in early spring. Type I, or immunoglobulin E-mediated (IgE-mediated) allergies affect 1 in 5 people in Europe and North America. 📈 Commonly observed symptoms are hay fever, dermatitis, asthma and, in severe cases, anaphylactic shock. First contact with these allergens results 📈 in sensitisation; subsequent contact produces a cross-linking reaction of IgE on mast cells and concomitant release of histamine. The inevitable 📈 symptoms of an allergic reaction ensue.

Categorization [ edit ]

A nomenclature system has been established for antigens (allergens) that cause IgE-mediated 📈 atopic allergies in humans.[2] This nomenclature system is defined by a designation that is composed of the first three letters 📈 of the genus; a space; the first letter of the species name; a space and an Arabic number. In the 📈 event that two species names have identical designations, they are discriminated from one another by adding one or more letters 📈 (as necessary) to each species designation.

The allergens in this family include allergens with the following designations: Bet v 1, Dau 📈 c 1, and Pru a 1. Other proteins belonging to this family include the major pollen allergens:

Structure [ edit ]

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    out 5th, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos
    Ameaça de bomba na Paulista X Continuidade de Negócios

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  • betgoslots

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    Roubo de mais de 200 mil contas da Apple iphone

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    Gestão de Riscos com ISO 31000 – Uma Visão Estratégica de Implementação.

    ago 20th, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos

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    Estamos correndo contra o tempo, e pra [...]


    jul 21st, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos

    Nas últimas três décadas o investimento em Educação, Tecnologia e Ciência no Brasil foi pífio se comparado a muitos outros países. Em 2014, segundo a OCDE (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico), o gasto médio anual brasileiro por estudante era de US$ 3.066 em 2011, e só superava os US$ 625 da Indonésia. Países [...]