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dez 14th, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos

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  • Ameaça de bomba na Paulista X Continuidade de Negócios

    out 5th, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos
    Ameaça de bomba na Paulista X Continuidade de Negócios

    Como alguém sobrevive aos seus dias de escola?

    H ow does anyone survive their schooldays? I mean, nearly everyone does, obviously, 🌜 but that doesn't mean it shouldn't count as one of life's great achievements. The happiest days of your life? For 🌜 some of us, maybe. For a few others, the worst of days. But for everyone, in their own way, they 🌜 are as challenging as anything adult life throws at you. I base this view on my own schooldays, my children's, 🌜 their friends', and the children of my friends. In nearly every case, the kids involved have been just fine, they've 🌜 done well, but I can't help feeling these successes are achieved against all odds.

    O primeiro dia de escola

    Day one is 🌜 monumental enough. My mummy dropped me off and left me with a bunch of children I didn't know, and a 🌜 nice lady called Mrs Timmins. Blimey, I thought, this is a big deal. I got through it, though. When my 🌜 mum picked me up to take me home for lunch, my little chest was puffed out with pride. I'd done 🌜 well, everyone said. But after lunch the bombshell was dropped that I'd be going back there for the afternoon. What? 🌜 And I'd be going back the following day, and the day after that, and every subsequent day for the foreseeable 🌜 future. This hadn't been made clear to me. I thought it was a one-time event to be brave about, like 🌜 a visit to the nurse for a jab, or a trip to a safari park. Nobody told me it was 🌜 a whole new way of life. I was outraged.

    Encontrar-se jogos online para jogar com os amigos um grupo de estranhos

    Finding yourself in a group of strangers 🌜 is tough enough as an adult. How did we make our way through it when we were not long out 🌜 of nappies? It would be another decade before my schoolwork involved reading Lord of the Flies and by then, even 🌜 in the absence of fatalities, I knew what Golding was getting at.

    A política do recreio pode ser selvagem

    The politics of 🌜 the playground can be savage. You have a friend who's your best friend who decides someone else is their best 🌜 friend and doesn't want to play with you any more. Obviously, this kind of thing is standard, happens all the 🌜 time, but in that moment you can't know this – you're just a tiny kid feeling like it's the end 🌜 of the world. Somehow you dig deep into your young soul and find a way of coping. You have to. 🌜 And this is how we learn to be resilient. I get that. But that doesn't mean it's not hard.

    Desafios massivos

    And 🌜 over the next dozen years or more, these massive challenges come rolling in, day after day, week after week, term 🌜 after term. You don't understand what you're being taught. You keep getting bad marks. You struggle with homework. You want 🌜 to be cleverer than you are. You can't get in the school team for something. You're in a fight – 🌜 which is terrible, even if you win, and utterly shaming if you lose. Then there's all the nascent sexual politics 🌜 to navigate. You fancy someone. You get your friend to ask them out for you. Your friend returns with the 🌜 bad news. And soon everyone knows it. And these days, ye gods, whatever your bad news is, the whole world 🌜 might know it, thanks to social media. And all of the above stresses and strains will follow you home and 🌜 stick to you for ever.

    Deixando a escola ou o colégio

    Whenever I meet an 18-year-old leaving school or college, my first 🌜 thought isn't how their exams have gone or what they're doing next. I just want to know that they're OK, 🌜 that physically and mentally they're in one piece. If so, great, well done, onward. The rest of your life might, 🌜 comparatively, be less of a struggle than you've been led to believe.

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  • Roubo de mais de 200 mil contas da Apple iphone

    set 1st, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos
    Roubo de mais de 200 mil contas da Apple iphone

    Acabo de dar uma entrevista para a Jovem Pan sobre o caso da Apple iphone KeyRaider.
    A Palo Alto Networks em colaboração com o grupo WeipTech (China) fizeram a análise de do malware “Keyraider”.
    Ele infecta dispositivos iOS, desbloqueados com “jailbreak”. “Segundo os especialistas, o “Keyraider” foi distribuído em lojas de apps Cydia na China [...]

    Gestão de Riscos com ISO 31000 – Uma Visão Estratégica de Implementação.

    ago 20th, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos

    A Gestão de Riscos é a bola da vez. Talvez pelos fatídicos incidentes mundiais nos últimos 15 anos, crises, fraudes, aumento dos cyber crimes e outros.
    Empresas de Tecnologia se esfolam para vender o que o mercado quer comprar, e elas geralmente não sabem vender. Caixas, caixas…vamos vender caixas!!!.
    Estamos correndo contra o tempo, e pra [...]


    jul 21st, 2015 | By jeferson | Category: Artigos

    Nas últimas três décadas o investimento em Educação, Tecnologia e Ciência no Brasil foi pífio se comparado a muitos outros países. Em 2014, segundo a OCDE (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico), o gasto médio anual brasileiro por estudante era de US$ 3.066 em 2011, e só superava os US$ 625 da Indonésia. Países [...]